Top Reasons Your Dog Won’t Eat

Dogs are notorious for their rather robust appetite, eating just about anything you give them or they can get their mouth on. So, what happens when your dog starts eating? Is it cause for concern? Should you rush to the vet? There are actually a number of reasons why your dog won’t eat its food, all of which you should be aware of so you know how to react.

You are Overfeeding Your Dog

Did you know that only around 60-70% of dogs eat as much as the dog food packaging suggests they should have? If you’ve been following the manufacturer’s suggested feeding amount it could be that you are just feeding them too much. A visit to your vet will help determine exactly how many calories your dog should be eating each day. It could be that your dog is self-regulating itself and is in fact eating exactly how much they should be getting.

They Don’t Like Their Food

We always think of dogs as not being very picky when it comes to food and we assume they will eat anything. The fact is that dogs can be picky eaters, just like humans. It could be they don’t like the taste or texture of their food, they may not like the location that their bowl is in, or it may even be hard for them to access their bowl (too high or too low). You can try making little changes and see if that helps.

They Just Received Vaccinations

Vaccinations are a funny thing. In some dogs, they aren’t affected at all with their energy and appetite levels staying exactly the same. In other dogs, vaccinations can cause a loss of appetite, anti-social behavior, and a lack of energy. If this is the case with your dog it is best to give them some space and allow them that quiet time to feel better. This usually wears off pretty quickly, within about 24 hours. If your dog does have an adverse reaction, it’s wise to take note so that you remember it for next time.

Your Dog is in Pain

Dogs don’t often have a specific way of telling humans they are in pain instead it’s up to you to watch for subtle signs and symptoms. Loss of appetite, that is more than just a day or two, can be a sign that your dog is in pain. This doesn’t just happen to older dogs so it’s important to watch for symptoms that may indicate your dog is in destress or pain of some sort.

An Illness of Some Sort

Loss of appetite can also be a sign of illness. The only way to determine this is true is to have your vet look your dog over and probably perform some tests.

Reaction Time is Key

When it comes to a loss of appetite in your dog, a 24 hour-period is usually about all you should give them. If they animal still is refusing to eat, it’s time to get in and see the vet.

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